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Employee Terminations

LinkedIn Profiles and Ex-Employees

November 07, 2016 |

What can you do when your ex-employee still has your company listed as their employer on LinkedIn?

Can I Fire My Employee During Their Probationary Period?

April 28, 2014 | Performance Management|Dealing with Difficult Employees

This month’s question in our Frequently Asked Questions Series of blogs is Can I Fire My Employee During Their Probationary Period?  The short answer is yes.  However, there is a big BUT.  Read on to find out how much more complex this question really is. 

How Not to Suck at Firing Your Employee; or 5 Tips for a Smoother Termination

September 16, 2013 | Dealing with Difficult Employees

5 tips for ensuring a smoother termination process that you both can live with

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