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Top 5 Lessons Learned from Building a Business - 5th Anniversary

October 21, 2015 | Performance Management

HR à la carte’s Managing Directors share their top 5 lessons on building a business as HR à la carte celebrates its 5 year anniversary.

Job Satisfaction is Out; Happiness is In:  Help Your Employees Obtain Career Happiness

May 19, 2015 | Work Environment and Policies

Employee engagement goes beyond job satisfaction; happiness at work is key.  Are your employees happy in their career at your organization?  Tam Campbell Trant outlines how you can find out.

2015 New Year’s Lunch and Team Meeting

January 14, 2015 | Work Environment and Policies

Instead of a holiday party in December, we decided on a New Year’s get together in January instead.

Top 8 Reasons to be Grateful – an Entrepreneur’s Perspective

October 07, 2013 | Work Environment and Policies

It’s our third anniversary and with Thanksgiving just around the corner we realized we had many things for which to be thankful as we enter our fourth year of business.

Federal Government Announces New Employee-Led Work Schedules for Federal Employees

March 31, 2013 | Performance Management

In a surprise move, the federal government announced this morning that it will begin allowing its employees to maintain their own work schedules effective April 1, 2013.

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