April 17, 2017, by HR à la carte | Performance Management
Good customer service means following through on your commitments; doing what you say you are going to do builds trust and credibility with your customers. The same holds true with your employees.
A few examples to illustrate this point:
Following through on commitments as a leader is crucial to your continued credibility. Whether the commitment is to follow through on a course of disciplinary action or to provide further coaching, mentoring or training to an employee, follow through needs to occur by the deadline you set. Each time you drop the ball on these commitments, or let a deadline slide, it erodes the trust and credibility capital you have built up with that employee and any coworkers who are in the know.
3 tips for keeping your commitments:
Harvard Business Review outlines some tools and tips to following up after coaching, one of the key ones being to “review your written agreements periodically, and follow up on action items.”
The article also advises leaders to ask themselves the following key questions to continually improve their role as coach:
Am I meeting the needs of each person on my team?
Am I holding up my end of the bargain?
Set reminders, such as using Outlook Calendar, to follow through with disciplinary actions. For example, if the employee has 30 days to improve in a certain behaviour or course of action, put a reminder in your calendar at the 30 day mark to assess where the employee is at, and have a follow up meeting with him. If you let the deadline pass with no follow up, the employee won’t know where he stands and may either think everything is okay, or be afraid the hammer may drop at any time. And neither scenario may be correct. In addition, courts may view the lack of appropriate follow through of disciplinary action as condoning the behaviour of the employee.
By following through on your commitments as a leader you will reap these benefits:
How will you ensure you follow through on your commitments today?
Articles of Interest:
6 Must Have Coaching Skills for the Successful Manager
Performance Coaching - Focus on Improving Strengths
My Employee Isn't Performing Well: What Can I Do?
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